Sunday, March 3, 2013

Wine Tasting: Red Guitar

Name: Red Guitar
Variety:  Tempranillo/Granacha
Country: Spain

Winery Review: 
Wine from Spain is my newest value red wine – Olé (Spanish for “there you have it” – loosely translated). It is a classic Spanish Rhone style wine –  Tempranillo and Garnacha – and is very tasty – Olé. Normally I like Spanish Rioja wines that remind me of a dry, hot summer.  However, this one from Navarra is refreshing and interesting -Olé.  Rich and smooth but not too easy or sweet with medium tannis and a slight funky odour that isn’t unpleasant.  Besides, I like the funk – Olé. - Travis Oke, 2/1/2011

My Review:  This Spanish wine is very bold on the nose with a strong acidic bite.  Upon further inspection aromas of sweet berries, cranberries, and apples can be detected.  Dark purple in color, this is a bold wine that is surprisingly smooth on the tongue.   This wine grew on me; it was bold to start off, but lightened and sweetened as I continued to drink it.   Once I got used to Red Guitar it was enjoyable, but it isn't one to take lightly.  
Food: I did not try this wine with food.

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